Sunday, August 29, 2010

You Cut Me Open

[Lamia is about to cut out Yvaine's heart]
Tristan: Yvaine, hold me tight and think of home.
[Tristan lights his Babylon candle. They escape, but end up on a cloud in the middle of nowhere]
Tristan: What the hell did you do?
Yvaine: What did *I* do? What did *you* do? "Think of home"? That was a GREAT plan! You thought of your home and I thought of mine and now we're halfway between the two!
Tristan: Well you stupid cow! What did you think of your home for?
Yvaine: You just said "home"! If you'd wanted me to think of *your* home you should have said!
Tristan: Some crazy lady was going to cut your heart out and you wanted more specific instructions? Perhaps you'd want it in writing - or a diagram, maybe?

1 comment:

  1. I love that part!

    Good movie, overall, too. Both boy and girl are charming (lately I'm lucky if one of them seems so)... and the idea of a star taking human form is quite fascinating.
